Tag Archives: YouTube

How to Write a Blog

Written by Ch’nell Amos

So, you want to write a blog, or you’ve been assigned one, but don’t know where to start or why a blog even matters. Well, if you think blogging is dead in 2020, then you’d be wrong. Blogging came into existence in 1994, by a student named Justin Hall, who just wanted a place to display his writing, but blogging has evolved over the years into microblogs (ex. Twitter and Instagram), tumblogs (ex. Tumblr), vlogs (ex. YouTube), and podcasts (ex. Spotify). Blogging is not just the place to find a great sweet potato pie recipe, but also a way to engage with like-minded readers, market a business, and practice writing skills. Blogging is an important resource and professors and universities often have their own blogging platforms that act as an “invisible college’…broadening education as whole, [and] taking it beyond…departments and universities.” There are a vast number of tutorials online about how to create a blog site and how to write a blog, but let’s focus on the main things every blogger should know when writing a blog.

Know Your Audience

A great blog is both educational and interesting, so when considering your audience, think “Who might need this information?” and “Who might find it interesting?” Typically, the audience is one in the same. Knowing your audience is marketing 101 and blogging is a business. Yes, of course, there are some that still use blogging as a diary, but blogging is also about branding, selling, and educating. Put yourself in the reader’s shoes and consider what information would keep them on your page. Knowing your audience will also help you choose the tone and voice of your post. Blogs are less formal that academic papers, so the language tends to be more relaxed, but it’s important to consider your audience to know how relaxed your language should be. Also, knowing your audience will let you know what information they already know. Millennials probably don’t need a how-to on creating a social media page, but they might need to know how to tweak their pages to gain followers. Knowing who you’re talking to will help you make these subtle changes and create a more focused blog post, which leads us to the next point.

Choose a Topic and a Title

Chances are, you already know what you’re writing about. This is more about being specific. Amateur bloggers will write the content first, end up in left or right field somewhere, and then try to create a title that addresses all their excellent points.

Choosing a narrowed-down, granular topic, then creating a title that clearly conveys your message will focus your blog post and aid in keeping your audience engaged. Make sure your topic is something you find interesting because a lack of enthusiasm will kill your blog. Remember, you are writing for an audience and you don’t want Ben Stein’s “dry eyes” voice to pop into their head while reading your blog. Speaking of dry, choose a catchy title that would make you want to read your blog! You’re writing for like-minded individuals, so use a title that would catch your attention but also tells the audience (or hints) at what your post is about. Making it too vague can be misleading if the reader interprets your title one way but finds out your post is about something else. Go for attention-grabbing or thought-provoking, instead of mysterious.

Write an Outline

Organizing your post will keep the content clear and concise. A 2015 study by Microsoft found that the human attention span has decreased from 12 to 8 seconds. That’s it — just 8 seconds — so you don’t want to lose your audience with an overwhelming amount of content. Audiences often seek blogs for a specific purpose, and no one wants to scroll through an endless amount of content to find what they came for, so plan for between 800-1200 words. Maybe your topic has a lot of information. Consider breaking it down into sections and sub-sections that will make it easier to read. Now, you have your topic, title, and outline, but maybe you’re still struggling to make it interesting to both you and the potential readers. This next element will help move things along.

Use Anecdotes and Images

As mentioned before, blogging (in all its forms) is quite popular, so you don’t want your blog to end up a dead fish in an internet sea of endless blogs. There is an undeniable art and power to storytelling, and that power should be utilized in blogs. When I think of blogs, I think of Scheherazade. Audiences read through the stories she tells the king, night after night, just to get to the real reason they keep reading — to find out if the king is going to kill her that night. Yes, that looong story about grandpa’s farm at the beginning of your favorite blog, just to finally get to the recipe for butter, is the same formula Scheherazade uses, and it’s how some bloggers use anecdotes. It is a way to connect to readers. Also, stories are processed in the brain differently, so pull out some humor or a catchy story to grab and engage readers.

“The audience will not tune in to watch information. You wouldn’t, I wouldn’t. No one would or will. The audience will only tune in and stay tuned in to watch drama.”

– David Mamet

The use of visual content —gifs, images, videos, etc. — will not only make a blog palatable and interesting, but also leads to an increase in readers. Use visual content thoughtfully with consistent headers and sub-headers, and well-placed images that add to your message.

Don’t Forget a Call to Action (CTA)

Here’s where you tell the audience what to do next and how to lead them to other parts of a blog or other post. For professional blogs, a blogger will tell readers to subscribe to their page or download free content, but other blog CTAs might encourage a reader to action, which is often seen in persuasive writing. For example, if the blog post is about politics, then the CTA might encourage people to vote. Sometimes, a CTA can be as simple as encouraging readers to “Learn More” or “Discover” a new topic. Check out this example of CTAs on this blog post on Electric Lit (see what I did there). You’ll not only see a section “About Recommended Reading” that tells readers to “Sign up” and “join our membership program,” but there are ads along the side to “donate” and “subscribe.” Also, CTAs is where the money’s at. You need to drive readership if you want to attract companies to advertise on your page (because we all love those ads…). 

These are just a few ways to get started. Learning to blog will prove useful both academically and professionally because you want someone to see your work. Blogs use search engine optimization (SEO) which helps people find the content and information they need, and since Google isn’t going anywhere any time soon, it’s safe to say that neither is blogging. Think of it this way, when you’re trying to figure out how to use that InstaPot your mother just sent you, are you more likely to read the manual or find a blog or YouTube video? Exactly.

For some examples of blogs, I recommend these websites:

Writing with Your Feet: the Creative Power of Running

Written by Abigail Beard

You might be wondering why we’re talking about running in a writing blog post. I mean, this is a writing blog, not a fitness blog, right?


Exercise, particularly running and yoga, strongly affect our ability to write for the better, and as writers, we all need to be aware of ways to improve our writing skills while maintaining our physical and mental health.

Plenty of famous authors and writers engage in some form of running or walking—among them are Stephen King, Joyce Carol Oates, Malcolm Gladwell, Frederich Nietzsche, and Henry David Thoreau—and for all of them, running improves their writing or helps them push past writer’s block and sticky writing places. Even if you aren’t seeking a profession in writing, you are a writer for your classes, and you might benefit from reading a little further.

Why running and yoga?

When stuck on a problem, one of the best solutions is to do something physically active. This allows our brains to rest from their mental work and forces us to concentrate on our physical bodies, and it’s an effective solution to facing a mental block for several reasons.

We often develop writing ideas while doing something physical, such as exercising, crafting, or even gardening.

Physical activity offers a mental break from writing or creative activity, letting our subconscious work behind the scenes or just take a break! This is the main reason so many authors, journalists, and creative-minded people say they go for a walk or run while working on a project, and many of them say they get that “Aha!” moment (what I like to call a pop-up toaster solution–when an idea that’s been cooking for a while suddenly pops to the forefront of our consciousness) while in the middle of a run.

TWU’s very own Dr. Jacquelyn Elliott, Interim Director of the First-Year Composition Program, has researched this subject and divides her conclusions into two groups:

  1. Generative knowers: people who generate writing ideas when running
  2. Restorative knowers: people who use exercise as a “lubricating effect” on the brain, enhancing its work afterward

For those who set out on a run or a walk with the purpose of generating ideas, Dr. Elliott suggests that it’s helpful having a background in meditation to better filter out distractions and let wayward thoughts come and go. This helps generative knowers stay on track and focus completely on the action of creating. However, this shouldn’t stop you from walking and running if you don’t have a background in meditation! Running and walking will still help you sink into another mental state and “clear away the cobwebs”4 before you return to your writing.

Vigorous exercise, such as going for a run, a brisk walk, or doing a vinyasa sequence (a faster-paced type of yoga that links movement to the breath) pumps blood to our brains, helping them work more effectively. 

Loudin, a Washington Post contributor and avid runner, writes, “running requires a high level of physical activity; writing calls for a high level of cerebral activity,” and the additional “oxygen-rich” blood going to our brains during exercise boosts brain activity. Finally, if you’re anything like me, you often hunch over your computer for hours while writing and researching. Hunching inevitably block our bodies’ blood circulation. Practicing yoga enables us to stretch and open our backs, chests, and shoulders, improving circulation and our postures.

Have you ever tried to write when you’re stressed? It’s difficult, isn’t it? For those of you who, like me, struggle to write when you’re stressed, here’s how running and yoga can help:

When you run, practice yoga, or engage in another form of exercise, your body releases endorphins and endocannabinoids (feel-good neurotransmitters)

These neurotransmitters naturally boost your mood and alleviate stress by lowering cortisol, the body’s stress hormone. You may have heard of this as “runner’s high.” Yoga also attacks cortisol by increasing dopamine, serotonin, and melatonin hormone production in the body. Yoga and running help us be present in the moment and forces us to not think about the past or the future and “to-do” lists. Simply put, exercise is a natural and extremely effective means of alleviating your stress, freeing up your brain to write!

What’s stopping you? Maybe some of these excuses sound familiar, and here are some solutions:

“I don’t have time.”

Good news! Plenty of YouTubers have at-home yoga workouts you can follow from the comfort of your bedroom. Minimal prep work needed!

Here are some of my favorites:

  • Yoga by Candace (Candace Moore is an internationally certified yoga instructor and is the author of the book Namaslay.)
    • Yoga With Adriene (Adriene is a certified yoga instructor based in Texas, and she recently compiled a playlist called Yoga for Uncertain Times that is quite relevant right now. She also has a yoga practice specifically for writers!)
      • Blogilates (Cassey Ho is an award-winning certified fitness and Pilates instructor based in California.)

“I’m not flexible.”

Flexibility takes time, and you don’t need to be crazy flexible to feel a creative rush. Do what you can, listen to your body, and give yourself grace!

“I hate running; it’s the worst, and the only reason in the world I would run is if a hoard of zombies was chasing me.”

No problem! If you hate running, walk! There are plenty of amazing hiking and walking trails in your area. Google some!

“I don’t have the proper equipment or location.”

Running is convenient—all you need is yourself, the outdoors, and some running shoes. As for yoga and Pilates, yoga mats, blocks, and straps are available at Five Below and TJ Maxx for under $10.

“I’m giving myself a ‘day off’” (that then turns into a week off, a month off…)

Give yourself a goal to work toward to motivate you, be it “I’m going to run to the end of the block and back,” “I saw this yoga pose on Instagram and want to learn how to do it,” or something else! And understand that you don’t have to run or do yoga for an hour to help you write—10, 15 minutes is all you need.

The next time you find yourself struggling to write, or if you just want to improve yourself as a writer, lace up those tennis shoes and head outside, or roll out your mat and check out one of those YouTube channels! And when you do, leave a comment below to let us know if this helps you, or share your experience if you can relate!

Happy writing and running!

kimmy schmidt running GIF


Burfoot, Amby. “10 Astounding and Evidence-Supported Health Benefits of Running.” Podium Runner. 23 March 2020. https://www.podiumrunner.com/culture/10-amazing-benefits- running-might-not-known/

Burfoot, Amby. “Running, Thinking, and Writing.” Podium Runner. 11 June 2019. 

Elliott, Jacquelyn. Personal Interview. 8 April 2020

Fetters, K. Aleisha and Alison Feller. “12 Amazing Benefits of Running.” Shape. https:// 


Holiday, Ryan. “The Timeless Link Between Writing and Running and Why it Makes for Better Work.” Mission.org. 23 Jan. 2018. https://medium.com/the-mission/the-timeless-link- between-writing-and-running-and-why-it-makes-for-better-work-5be232e40c2

Loudin, Amanda. “Why writers should take up running — and vice versa.” The Washington Post. 5 Oct. 2016. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/wellness/why-writers-should- take-up-running–and-vice-versa/2016/10/04/d9de82a0-8435-11e6-92c2-14b64f3d453f_story.html

Pilz, Kerstin. “Why writing and yoga are the perfect companion practices.” Write Your Journey.

Escapril: Spring’s Writing Challenge

Written by Esther Son

When people think of April, there are many things that come to mind. Rain, green, and blue skies are what I think of. For writers, however, April means the beginning of a relatively new writing challenge. Aptly named Escapril, this writing challenge was started in 2019 by YouTuber Savannah Brown. A month before the first of April, Brown posts all 30 prompts onto an Instagram page dedicated to the challenge. These prompts range from single words to short phrases. Examples from this year include: dawn, the view from up here, and chemical reaction. The prompts allow an immense amount of creative freedom, and the rules for the challenge itself are very relaxed. Here are the instructions posted on the Escapril website:

1. Write a poem

The event is centered around poetry but other types of short form writing such as prose and flash fiction are also welcome.

2. Post it online

A screenshot of a Word document, a photo of your handwritten work, a filmed performance – the form it takes is up to you.

3. Hashtag your work

…with the hashtags #escapril and #escapril2019. This makes your work easy to find, enjoy and share.

4. Repeat

…for the entire month of April. The event is all about challenging yourself!

This challenge is incredibly useful for writers who are yearning for a new source of inspiration. In addition, because this challenge is focused on shorter pieces of poetry and prose, it removes the burden of producing something of a longer length. Escapril provides a routine, enjoyable activity to complete daily, especially with the self-isolation and social distancing being put into practice during this virus outbreak. The best thing about this challenge is how it revs the motor of your mind and allows you to produce content you would not have thought of otherwise. Personally, I have been struggling with a creative drought and writer’s block for months now. Escapril has changed that. Just as its name entails, it lets me escape the dullness of everyday life by writing whatever strikes me. Although I am not versed in poetry, I have been taking part in this challenge since the first day. Here is one of my favorite pieces that I have written so far:

Escapril Day 5: “The view from up here”

Clouds thick like honey

Traipse across the sky

Arrogant in their monotony

Time cannot be accurately measured

When it is constantly slipping through the sieves

Between our fingers

Each grain of time holds a memory

The ones forgotten replaced by those with more weight

And the scale is full of numbers we cannot control

Too many zeroes and decimals to count

They have eyes and mouths and buzzing bodies

Nestled in capsules that grow closer and closer

It is only then that the entrance is opened

Difficult to let in but even harder to get out

There is no key underneath a welcome mat

Or strewn on top a table in the foyer

An invitation that cannot be declined

Sealed with a blood red stamp

Emblazoned with the symbol of scrutiny

Sent from somewhere above

Necks can bend backward

With arms outstretched to the heavens

But they will never be able to reach

The depths of what they cannot see

            Savannah Brown’s writing challenge is an activity that all writers can participate in. Moreover, because it is social media-based, it makes it that much easier to share and leave feedback for fellow creators. It also showcases the distinct writing styles of all the diverse writers taking part in the challenge. I challenge everyone reading this to take part in Escapril. Challenge yourself, fuel your mind, and most importantly, do not hesitate to go out of your comfort zone! As Sylvia Plath said, “…everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”


