Tag Archives: Vegetables

A Healthy Diet Means A Creative Mind

Written by Elijah Gamble

The sudden onslaught of quarantine-induced madness has, if anything, proven the importance of an individual’s mental and physical well-being—that which is crucial to eloquent writing. One of the most effective ways to enhance a person’s health is food; by carefully selecting (affordable!) foods to eat and enjoy, an individual could take a step towards a healthier, stronger body as well as experience an increase in creativity—two things most people are in desperate need of right now.

What Foods Boost Creativity?

  • Antioxidants (boosts the firing speed of “creative impulses”; boosts immune system productivity): Fruits, vegetables— specifically blueberries!
  • Choline (boosts the brain’s amount of “grey matter”, helps with memory): Often found in egg yolk and milk.
  • And, a special shoutout to green tea: Caffeine can boost creativity (in moderation)!

Some cheap, healthy and quarantine-friendly recipes

Vegan Potato Soup

Vegan Potato Soup in a bowl with tempeh bacon, roast potatoes and parsley

Gluten-free Sweet Potato Gnocchi

plate of sweet potato gnocchi on a wood table

Black Bean & Sweet Potato Chilli

Black bean vegetarian chili

Enjoy these well-being friendly and wallet friendly recipes and get to writing!