Tag Archives: Tutor

Why We Tutor

Written by the Write Site | Edited by Charles Dyer

While we try to somewhat standardize the way we tutor, the writing center is an eclectic and unique body of knowledge and experience. Every appointment is a cordial meeting of two authors and an experiment in communication. Some authors lack confidence in their abilities, while others’ hubris lay evident on the page. No matter who walks into (or video calls with) the Write Site, they’re met with a tutor who wishes nothing more than to refine and encourage. At a time when the space between student and tutor is substantial, we thought it appropriate to remind students why our tutors personally do the work they do.

The following are written sentiments from Write Site tutors on why they tutor:


“I tutor because the ability to communicate is something everyone should feel proficient in. We are all artists; we just need to feel confident and secure in our craft. I tutor to ensure that you feel secure in yourself and your abilities.”


“I tutor because of that lightbulb moment. When a student begins an appointment and is extremely confused, we work on the parts of the essay they’re struggling with, and suddenly, the lightbulb goes off! When it clicks in their brain and they say, “Oh, I get it!” it gives me a sense of accomplishment. Ultimately, I tutor because I love to help our Texas Woman’s University (TWU) students find their voice and undiscovered love for writing.”


“I tutor because I love working with students individually to help them realize their potential as writers and communicators of their own thoughts and ideas. It’s so refreshing to see students reflect on writing and see what they think is important while learning how to craft their argument. I love seeing the breakthroughs when they realize that they can write about topics they are passionate about. I love seeing them realize that they are good writers because they can communicate their ideas and not bad ones because they don’t know where to place commas (which is a struggle even for a tutor).”


“I tutor for so many reasons. My main drive to tutor is to boost students’ confidence and empower them to feel good about their work, whatever that may look like. Seeing students grow in their abilities and their faith in those abilities is so rewarding. Also, I love being able to just connect human-to-human with students and other tutors through our center, and I think that is a huge part of what makes this work so fulfilling for me. I’ve also found that tutoring makes me a better student, and I get to learn about so many people and disciplines along the way! I fell in love with tutoring when I was at Texas State for my undergraduate degree, and I have always felt so lucky to be able to continue that here at TWU.”


“I love tutoring because you get to help someone take an idea in their mind, and clearly articulate it on paper. The Write Site is special because we aren’t editing your paper for mistakes, but instead we look for ways to elevate a paper and highlight all the ways the writer has excelled. I often read how TWU students hope to use their research to impact the world, and I find myself inspired by their vision and goals. It’s an honor to help them share their dreams with the masses in the best way possible.”


“I’ve been tutoring in various subjects since I started college – first, at North Central Texas College (NCTC) and now at TWU. At Ryan High School, I didn’t tutor exactly, but I was a student assistant helping get a class of students ready to retake the state exam. I tutored math for three years. I never wanted to study math as my degree. I tried for one semester and learned quickly that I don’t want to be a mathematician. Now, I tutor English. It has unique and difficult challenges compared to tutoring math. I liked the direct, “There’s a right way to do this,” discussion in math. There’s a problem so solve it. English doesn’t have that. Rarely is there a correct way to write a paper. There are effective ways and institutionally correct ways, but for every method of doing something, there are a bajillion examples of a different method that also works. My point: helping students solve problems is much more nuanced in English tutoring.

To make a long point shorter: It is fulfilling to help students develop a better sense of understanding for what they are learning. Learning new things can be painful or scary or frustrating, and if I can alleviate some of that stress and help in some way, I’m happy.”


“I tutor because I struggled with anxiety about writing when I was in college. I love helping students realize that writing doesn’t have to be scary! With practice and feedback, every writer can become more confident and accomplished.”


“Tutoring is such a fulfilling and rewarding experience. I tutor because I love encouraging students to excel in their education, even if it’s a struggle for them at first. Many students think they aren’t good writers, but I love showing them otherwise by working with them one-on-one and helping them develop their ability to write. The moment when I see a sudden burst of inspiration, revelation, or comprehension is the best!”


“I want to help people think clearly and write well so that they can get good grades and succeed.”


“I tutor to help students who have difficulty in contextual academic writing in particular due to their language barrier.”


“Sharing knowledge with students is such a rewarding experience. The process becomes to meaningful when you see a student apply learned material in various ways. It warms my heart when my student gains confidence by the few details they are able to remember and use in their learning process!”


“Since I was young, I was a painfully shy kid. I was always the one sitting on the bench reading a book during recess. I felt safer with words than I did with people. Now, though, I find comfort in helping people weave together words in order to create works that can make people feel as safe as books made me feel when I was a kid. I have always wanted to teach English – to help others understand just how precious words can be – so tutoring is my ‘introduction to teaching,’ if you will.”


“I tutor for a lot of reasons: peer-to-peer tutoring lets us really make a connection with our students, and it’s very rewarding to show students the path toward effective writing. A lot of times, students come to the WS with the perception that their writing is inherently bad and that the art of writing is out of their personal reach, so as a tutor, I want to help students get past those mental barriers and give them the freedom that writing and language represent. Also, a more immediately personal reason I tutor is because teaching the mechanics of writing on a regular basis has improved my own fluency, communication skills, and the overall strength of my own writing. There are things I would never have otherwise known about writing if I hadn’t needed to prepare for the numerous appointments – mainly because I think it is our job as tutors to deliver the most holistic help possible!”


“I tutor because I love being able to work individually with students and see growth. I enjoy working alongside those who come into the Write Site and helping others find a love of writing like I have!”