Tag Archives: Memory

A Healthy Diet Means A Creative Mind

Written by Elijah Gamble

The sudden onslaught of quarantine-induced madness has, if anything, proven the importance of an individual’s mental and physical well-being—that which is crucial to eloquent writing. One of the most effective ways to enhance a person’s health is food; by carefully selecting (affordable!) foods to eat and enjoy, an individual could take a step towards a healthier, stronger body as well as experience an increase in creativity—two things most people are in desperate need of right now.

What Foods Boost Creativity?

  • Antioxidants (boosts the firing speed of “creative impulses”; boosts immune system productivity): Fruits, vegetables— specifically blueberries!
  • Choline (boosts the brain’s amount of “grey matter”, helps with memory): Often found in egg yolk and milk.
  • And, a special shoutout to green tea: Caffeine can boost creativity (in moderation)!

Some cheap, healthy and quarantine-friendly recipes

Vegan Potato Soup

Vegan Potato Soup in a bowl with tempeh bacon, roast potatoes and parsley

Gluten-free Sweet Potato Gnocchi

plate of sweet potato gnocchi on a wood table

Black Bean & Sweet Potato Chilli

Black bean vegetarian chili

Enjoy these well-being friendly and wallet friendly recipes and get to writing!

Fighting Procrastination in Self-Isolation (For the Writer)

Written by Sam Steelman

I haven’t been getting a lot of work done in the midst of the mandatory self-isolation due to COVID-19, but I am 100% sure I am not alone. I figured I would share what I have learned! I attempted to do some slight web-surfing on tips to fight writer’s block or procrastination, but a lot of the suggestions were “go to a book store,” “visit friends and family without using your car (train, airplane, or bus),” or “change your work scenery.” As awesome as all of this sounds, many of us are not able to leave our houses for a while; however, a lot of us are still working remotely or doing school assignments from home, and it can be hard just sitting around all day! So here are some ideas to get our creative juices flowing that will motivate us to get some words on the page.

michael scott sentence GIF

Do something else!

I know this is vague, but what I mean is do something completely different. Don’t just work on a different assignment or scroll through social media. I mean do something weird. Get up and dance, talk to yourself (out loud), or practice your wide vocabulary. Get your brain thinking again! It is easy for all of us to just sit, stare at the computer screen, and eventually fall asleep due to complete boredom and no interest in your writing. Do something you wouldn’t usually do – surprise yourself!

Write something spontaneously creative!

I know what you are thinking; “Write something creative? How am I supposed to do that if I have writer’s block?” Here is what I am talking about: look around your room/office and pick something. It can be as insignificant as a winter scarf. When you think of a scarf what do you think of? Snow? Christmas? A specific memory? Write about it! Just start with the first sentence, and the flow will come. Trust your writing process. Once you write a short little creative piece and get your brain circulation flowing, you will have an easier time forming your arguments and getting that flow you want!

Brainstorm to some of your favorite music!

Instrumental music is really good for study time and keeping extreme focus, but it’s also great for thinking of new ideas and spawning interesting arguments. I think it is extremely beneficial to turn on a playlist you like on Spotify (that’s the app I like to use). For example, I was having a really hard time getting started on writing this blog post, but then I turned on one of my daily mix playlists. The music really helped me get some words on the page and think about how I might craft my argument.

For the love of creativity, write what you want to write!

If you have lost that spark you once had to write in your free time, my goodness just write what you want to write about! Stop thinking about the reader! I know that sounds bad but hear me out. It is so much easier to write when you care about what you are writing! Make it whatever you want! Talk about the controversial thing you really believe in! Use a cuss-word or two (or three)! If you start writing in your free time again and actually enjoy it, all of that formal writing you have to do will come much easier. Start practicing your writing again. It’s good for you!

Hopefully, this helps in fighting that writer’s block and procrastination. Right now is an extremely rough time for all of us, so utilize your time stuck at home to rediscover your passion for writing. I will leave you with this quote from Toni Morrison:

If there is a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.