About Us

Who We Are

The Write Site, Texas Woman’s University’s comprehensive writing center, serves the writing needs of the entire university community by providing direct, individualized writing assistance to students from all disciplines with any aspect of the writing process by maintaining a wide variety of resource materials related to writing instruction, by making the center and its staff available for faculty members’ classes, by sponsoring a variety of special workshops and seminars related to the writing process, and by offering online assistance for distance learners through the OWL (Online Writing Lab).

The Write Site’s graduate and undergraduate writing consultants are committed to serving students from all educational backgrounds with the goal of fostering growth and maturity in the individual writer and the TWU community.


Dr. Russel Greer – Interim Coordinator of Tutoring

Dr. Russell Greer earned his PhD in English from the University of Georgia in 1996. He taught at TWU for 25 years before retiring in 2021, returning in September 2023 as interim Write Site tutor coordinator. His interests include writing theory, British literature and sculpture.

Favorite quote: “It’s not the years, honey; it’s the mileage.” —Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Dr. Rachel Johnston – Tutor Coordinator

Dr. Rachel Johnston earned her PhD in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century transatlantic novels from Texas Christian University and her MA in British Literature from Texas Woman’s University. Dr. Johnston’s writing interests cover a broad range: creative writing, memoirs, eighteenth-century art and novels, and learning and teaching strategies for first year composition instructors.

Favorite quote: “If you can sit in silence with a person for half an hour and yet be entirely comfortable, you and that person can be friends. If you cannot, friends you’ll never be and you need not waste time in trying.”
―L.M. Montgomery, The Blue Castle

Hannah Diaz – Senior Secretary

A proud TWU alumni, Diaz received her BA in English literature in 2019. After a few years of career exploration, including a couple of years of making ice cream and decorating cakes, she returned to work for her alma mater in the summer of 2023. As senior secretary, she splits her time between working with the Write Site and the First-Year Composition program.

Favorite quote: “When I found out the patriarchy wasn’t about horses, I lost interest anyway.” —Ken, Barbie.

Writing Consultants

Abigail Mascorro
Child Development
Writing focus/interests:
MLA formatting, literary and critical analysis, creative writing, multicultural literature, and narrative and expository essays.
Favorite quote: 
“Who, being loved, is poor?” –Oscar Wilde

Alexa Robbins
Child Development
Favorite hobby:
Musical theater.
Fun fact:
“I lived in China for seven years!”

Alyssa Grimley
Lead GA, PhD in Rhetoric English
Writing focus/interests:
First-year composition, multimodal pedagogy, genre fiction (particularly horror), queer/feminist studies, trauma theory, digital history and culture.
Favorite quote: 
“Nothing happens unless first a dream.” –Carl Sandburg

Emma Chambers
English Literature
Writing focus/interests: Art history, literary analysis, pop culture.
Favorite quote: 
“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” –Oscar Wilde

Gracie Graham
Favorite book:
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Fun fact:
“I’ve competed in twelve spelling bees and placed in 8 of them.”

Graham Downey
Writing focus/interests: Creative writing, fiction, historical fiction, brainstorming, organization, British literature, child/adolescent education.
Favorite quote: “Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” —Anton Chekhov

Hannah Barrera
Favorite book:
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen & Litte Women by Louisa May Alcott
Fun fact:
“I have the pleasure of being a devoted cat mom to two wonderfully playful and charismatic furballs.”

Hollyn Grizzaffi
Writing focus/interests: Research papers, argumentative essays, creative writing, literary analysis, feminism, brainstorming/organizing thoughts.
Favorite quote: “And these children that you spit on / As they try to change their worlds / Are immune to your consultations / They’re quite aware of what they’re goin’ through” —David Bowie

Lindsey Nance
Graduate Assistant, MA English (Rhetoric)
Writing focus/interests: Feminism, research papers, literary analysis essays, narrative essays, and MLA, APA, and Chicago citations and formatting.
Favorite quote: “I read for pleasure and that is the moment I learn the most.” —Margaret Atwood

Samantha Silvey
Lead Undergrad Tutor, BA English (Writing and Rhetoric)
Writing focus/interests: MLA and APA formatting and citations, literary analysis, overall organization, brainstorming/outlining, and rhetoric.
Favorite quote: “The car goes where the eyes go.” —Garth Stein, The Art of Racing in the Rain

Sami Lopez
BA/MA English (Literature)
Writing focus/interests: Literary criticism & analysis, creative writing, metaphysical poetry, narrative essays, multicultural literature, Renaissance and Reformation periods, religious symbolism/imagery, MLA formatting.
Favorite quote: “I have to write to discover what I am doing. Like the old lady, I don’t know so well what I think until I see what I say; then I have to say it again.” —Flannery O’Connor


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